Al Araf: Suatu Tempat antara Surga dan Neraka | QS 7:46 & QS 57:13 - Al A'Raafi

Islam melalui Quran tidak hanya mengenal keberadaan Surga dan Neraka saja. Ada satu tempat di antara Surga dan Neraka yang bernama Al Araf yaitu tempat bagi orang-orang yang timbangan dosa dan pahalanya seimbang (nol). Hal yang menarik adalah karena kisah tentang Al Araf ini mirip sekali dengan "perumpamaan" Yesus tentang Kerajaan Allah dalam Matius 25:1-13.

QS 7:46 (Al-A'raaf - Tempat Tertinggi, Urutan Turun Quran: 39, Makkiyah)
wabaynahumaa hijaabun wa'alaa AL-A'RAAFI rijaalun ya'rifuuna kullan bisiimaahum wanaadaw ash-haaba aljannati an salaamun 'alaykum lam yadkhuluuhaa wahum yathma'uuna
Dan di antara keduanya (penghuni surga dan neraka) ada batas; dan di atas A'RAAF itu ada orang-orang yang mengenal masing-masing dari dua golongan itu dengan tanda-tanda mereka. Dan mereka menyeru penduduk surga: "Salaamun 'alaikum". Mereka belum lagi memasukinya, sedang mereka ingin segera (memasukinya).

QS 57:13 (Al-Hadiid - Besi, Urutan Turun Quran: 94, Madaniyah)
yawma yaquulu almunaafiquuna waalmunaafiqaatu lilladziina aamanuu unzhuruunaa naqtabis min nuurikum qiila irji'uu waraa-akum failtamisuu nuuran fadhuriba baynahum bisuurin lahu baabun baathinuhu fiihi alrrahmatu wazhaahiruhu min qibalihi al'adzaabu
Pada hari ketika orang-orang munafik laki-laki dan perempuan berkata kepada orang-orang yang beriman: "Tunggulah kami supaya kami dapat mengambil sebahagian dari cahayamu". Dikatakan (kepada mereka): "Kembalilah kamu ke belakang dan carilah sendiri cahaya (untukmu)". Lalu diadakan di antara mereka dinding yang mempunyai pintu. Di sebelah dalamnya ada rahmat dan di sebelah luarnya dari situ ada siksa.

Kisah QS 57:13 ini mirip sekali dengan minyak lampu 5 gadis bodoh dan 5 gadis bijaksana dalam Matius 25:1-13. (3)

◾ QS 7:46 (Al-A'raaf - Tempat Tertinggi, Urutan Turun Quran: 39, Makkiyah) (1)

Tafsir Jalalayn
... God, exalted be He, says: They, that is, those men of the Heights, have not entered it, Paradise, although they aspire, to enter it. Al-Hasan [al-Basrī] said, ‘GOD CAUSES THEM TO HAVE THIS ASPIRATION ONLY BECAUSE HE DESIRES TO BE GENEROUS TO THEM’. Al-Hākim reported that Hudhayfa [b. al-Yamān] said, ‘While they are in this situation, God appears to them and says “Get up and ENTER PARADISE, for I HAVE FORGIVEN YOU”.’

Tafsir Ibn Kathir
... (And between them will be a screen) "It is the wall, it is Al-A`raf.'' Mujahid said, "AL -ARAF IS A BARRIER BETWEEN PARADISE AND THE FIRE, A WALL THAT HAS A GATE.'' Ibn Jarir said, "Al-A`raf is plural for `Urf, where every elevated piece of land is known as `Urf to the Arabs.'' As-Suddi said, "Al-A`raf is so named because its residents recognize (Ya`rifun) the people. AL-ARAF RESIDENTS ARE THOSE WHOSE GOOD AND BAD DEEDS ARE EQUAL, as Hudhayfah, Ibn `Abbas, Ibn Mas`ud and several of the Salaf and later generations said.'' Ibn Jarir recorded that Hudhayfah was asked about the people of Al-A`raf and he said, "A people whose good and bad deeds are equal. Their evil deeds prevented them from qualifying to enter Paradise, and their good deeds qualified them to avoid the Fire. Therefore, they are stopped there on the wall until Allah judges them.'' ...

... And on the Heights, that is, at the topmost part of that veil, which is the veil of the heart that separates the two parties, one to the right and another to its left, there are men, the knowers, the folk of God and His elect, who know each, one of the two parties, by their mark: they greet the inhabitants of the Garden by extending [to them] THE CAUSES OF PURIFICATION, adornment and the lights of the heart and [by] effusing good things and blessings upon them. ...

◾ QS 57:13 (Al-Hadiid - Besi, Urutan Turun Quran: 94, Madaniyah) (2)

Tafsir Ibn Kathir
... Ad-Dahhak commented on the Ayah, "Everyone will be given a light on the Day of Resurrection. When they arrive at the Sirat, the light of the hypocrites will be extinguished. When the believers see this, they will be concerned that their light also will be extinguished, JUST AS THE LIGHT OF THE HYPOCRITES WAS. This is when the believers will invoke Allah, `O our Lord! Perfect our light for us.''' ...
Al-`Awfi, Ad-Dahhak and others reported from Ibn `Abbas: "When the people are gathering in darkness, Allah will send light, and when the believers see the light they will march towards it. This light will be their guide from Allah to Paradise. When the hypocrites see the believers following the light, they will follow them. However, Allah will extinguish the light for the hypocrites and they will say (to the believers), (Wait for us! Let us get something from your light.) The believers will reply by saying, '(Go back to your rear!) to the dark area you were in, and look for a light there!''' Allah said, So, a wall will be put up between them, with a gate therein. Inside it will be mercy, and outside it will be torment.) Al-Hasan and Qatadah said that the wall mentioned here is located between Paradise and Hellfire. `Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam said that the wall mentioned in this Ayah is the wall that Allah described in His statement, (And between them will be a (barrier) screen.)(7:46) Similar was reported from Mujahid and others, and it is correct. Allah said, (inside it will be mercy,) meaning, Paradise and all that is in it, (and outside it will be torment.) meaning, the Hellfire, according to Qatadah, Ibn Zayd and others. ...

Berdasarkan data yang sudah diungkapkan di atas kita mendapati bahwa penghuni Al Araf adalah orang-orang munafik (hypocrites) atau yang timbangan kebaikan dan kejahatannya sama persis (50:50, lih. Ibn Kathir QS 7:46), yang pada akhirnya diampuni Allah untuk bisa memasuki Surga-Nya.
