Mengapa Yahudi Menolak Muhammad dan Quran? | QS 2:91 - Nu/Minu Bimaa Unzila 'Alaynaa


Kita perlu mengetahui apa alasan sesungguhnya penolakan Yahudi dalam konteks perjumpaan mereka dengan kerasulan nabi Muhammad di zaman itu. Jika merujuk pada dalil Quran yang menjadi pokok bahasan kita, jawaban mereka adalah karena "Kami hanya beriman kepada apa yang diturunkan kepada kami".


QS 2:91 (Al-Baqarah - Sapi Betina, Urutan Turun Quran: 87, Madaniyah)

wa-idzaa qiila lahum aaminuu bimaa anzala allaahu qaaluu NU/MINU BIMAA UNZILA 'ALAYNAA wayakfuruuna bimaa waraa-ahu wahuwa alhaqqu mushaddiqan limaa ma'ahum qul falima taqtuluuna anbiyaa-a allaahi min qablu in kuntum mu/miniina

Dan apabila dikatakan kepada mereka: "Berimanlah kepada Al Qur'an yang diturunkan Allah," mereka berkata: "KAMI HANYA BERIMAN KEPADA APA YANG DITURUNKAN KEPADA KAMI". Dan mereka kafir kepada Al Qur'an yang diturunkan sesudahnya, sedang Al Qur'an itu adalah (Kitab) yang hak; yang membenarkan apa yang ada pada mereka. Katakanlah: "Mengapa kamu dahulu membunuh nabi-nabi Allah jika benar kamu orang-orang yang beriman?"

Perikop: QS 5:87-91 Sikap orang Yahudi terhadap para rasul dan kitab-kitab yang diturunkan Allah


Islam umumnya hanya mengandalkan usaha keras mereka untuk cocokologi adanya nubuat kenabian Muhammad di dalam Taurat dan Injil. Padahal penolakan Yahudi dan Nasrani di zaman Muhammad terhadap kenabiannya adalah lebih dalam daripada hanya sekedar "namanya dan deskripsinya tertulis di dalam Taurat dan Injil".

Mengapa Muhammad ditolak oleh Yahudi yang sejati? Karena Yahudi sejati tahu bahwa kenabian yang dinantikan oleh mereka adalah nabi yang berasal dari garis keturunan Daud, sesuai dengan apa yang tertulis di dalam Taurat. Dengan kata lain, memaksakan Muhammad adalah nabi yang dinantikan oleh Yahudi adalah memaksakan Yahudi untuk melanggar Taurat mereka sendiri.

Hal ini dinyatakan dan dikutip oleh Qurtubi dalam tafsirnya (Tafsir Qurtubi vol. 1, hlm. 270-271, QS 2:65) yang menyebutkan suatu kisah (1):

You are well aware of those of you who broke the Sabbath.
An-Nasa'i related that Safwan ibn 'Assal reported that a Jew said to his friend, "Let us go to this Prophet." His friend said, "Do not say 'Prophet'! He might hear you. He has four eyes!" They went to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and asked him for seven clear commandments and He told them, "Do not associate anything with Allah; do not steal; do not fornicate; do not kill anyone Allah has made inviolate, unless with a legal right; do not slander an innocent person to a ruler; do not use magic; do not consume usury; do not slander chaste women; and do not turn your backs in retreat when the fighting is fierce. And, as Jews, you have one specially for you: that you do not profane the Sabbath." They kissed his hands and feet and said, "We testify that you are a Prophet!" HE ASKED, "WHAT PREVENTS YOU FROM FOLLOWING ME, THEN?" THEY REPLIED, "DA'UD PRAYED THAT THE LINE OF PROPHETS WOULD CONTINUE TO BE FROM HIS DESCENDANTS AND WE FEAR THAT IF WE FOLLOW YOU, THE OTHER JEWS WILL KILL US." (at-Tirmidhl) Anda perlu melihat asbabun nuzul ayat 89 untuk bisa memahami gambaran besar dari ayat 91 ini: Asbab Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahidi (2) ("though before that they were asking for a signal triumph over those who disbelieved") [2:89]. Said Ibn 'Abbas: "The Jews of Khaybar were at war with Ghatafan, and whenever the two parties used to meet, Khaybar ended up in defeat. For this reason they devised the following supplication: 'O Allah! We beseech You by the truth of the unlettered Prophet whom You promised to send forth to us at the end of time to give us victory over them'. And so whenever they said this supplication, Ghatafan was defeated. But when the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, was sent forth, they disbelieved in him. It is due to this that Allah, exalted is He, revealed ("though before that they were asking for a signal triumph over those who disbelieved) i.e. by means of you, O Muhammad, up to His saying (The curse of Allah is on disbelievers)". And al-Suddi said: "The Arabs used to pass by the Jews and expose the latter to some harm. The Jews knew the description of Muhammad in the Torah and used to ask Allah to send him so that they could fight with him against the Arabs. When Muhammad, Allah bless him and give him peace, came to them, they disbelieved in him out of resentful envy. They said: 'all the messengers were from the descendents of Jacob, how is it that this one is a descendent of Ishmael?' "
