Tujuh Bumi dan Astronomi Kuno | QS 65:12 - Sab'a ... Al-Ardhi

Quran turun ke dunia ini tahun 600an Masehi. Dunia astronomi di tahun 600an Masehi sangat berbeda jauh dengan 'temuan-temuan sains' yang jauh lebih modern. Penulisan dan pemaknaan Quran hari ini pun seharusnya tidak mengabaikan hal itu karena teks selalu turun di sebuah konteks konkret dan disitu Tuhan berbicara pada umat yang nyata dalam konteks tersebut. Apabila teks turun tidak sesuai dengan konteks umat, pesan yang ditujukan oleh Allah kepada umat tidak akan diterima dengan baik.

QS 65:12 (Ath-Thalaaq - Talaq, Urutan Turun Quran: 99, Madaniyah)
allaahu alladzii khalaqa SAB'A samaawaatin wamina AL-ARDHI mitslahunna
Allah-lah yang menciptakan TUJUH langit dan seperti itu pula BUMI.

Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi - Tafhim al-Qur'an (1)
"Also their like” does not mean that He created as many earths as the heavens, but it means that He has also created several earths as He has created several heavens. "Of the earth- mean that just as this earth which is inhabited by man is serving as bed and cradle for the creatures living on it, so has Allah made and set other earths also in the universe, which serve as beds and cradles for the creatures living on them. Moreover, there arc clear pointers in the Qur'an to the effect that living creatures are not found only on the earth but also in the heavens. (For instance, see .Ash-Shura: 29 and E.N. SO on it). In other words! the countless stars and planets seen in the sky are not all lying desolate, but like the earth there are many among them which are inhabited.
From among the earliest commentators Ibn 'Abbas is the one, who had expressed this truth in the period when man was not even prepared to imagine that in the universe there are other habitats also, apart from the earth, where rational creatures live. Even the scientists of today are yet in doubt about this being a reality, nothing to say of the people living 1500 years ago, That is why Ibn 'Abbas felt hesitant about whether he should say such a thing before the common people are not, because he feared it might affect their 'faith. Mujahid says that when he was asked the meaning of this verse, he said: "If I give you the commentary of this verse, you will turn disbelievers, and your disbelief will be that you will deny it." Almost the same thing has been related from Sa'id bin Jubair, saying; 'Ibn 'Abbas said: what can be the guarantee that if I tell you its meaning, you would not turn disbelievers?" (lbn Jarir, 'Abd bin Humaid). However, Ibn Jarir, Ibn Abi Hatim, Hakim and Baihaqi in Shu'ab al-Iman and Kitab al-Asma' was Sifat have cited, on the authority of Abud-Doha, this 'commentary from Ibn 'Abbas in different words: "In each of those earths there is a Prophet like your Prophet, an Adam like your Adam, a Noah like your Noah, an Abraham like your Abraham, and a Jesus like your Jesus." This tradition has been related by Ibn Hajar in Fath al-Bat and by Ibn Kathir in his Commentary, and Imam Dhahbi says: "It has been reported authentically, but in my knowledge none apart from Abud-Doha has related it; therefore, it is an uncommon and rare tradition."
Some other scholars regard it as a falsehood and Mulla 'AIi; Qari, in his Maudu at Kabir (p. 19), has described it as a fabrication, and written: `Even if it is a tradition from Ibn 'Abbas, it is based on Israelite traditions." But the truth is that the actual reason why the people have rejected it is their regarding it as remote from reason and beyond understanding; otherwise there is nothing in it which may by itself be opposed to reason. Thus, 'Allama Alusi in his discussion of it in his commentary writes: "There is neither any intellectual barrier to taking it as correct nor religious. It only means that in every earth there is a creation which turns to its origin just as mankind in our earth turns to Adam (peace be upon him). and in every earth there are individuals, who are distinguished among others just as the Prophets Noah and Abraham (peace be upon them) are distinguished among us. " A little below the 'Allama writes: "The earths may be more than seven, and likewise the heavens also may not be only seven. To rest content with the number seven, which is an indivisible integer, does not necessarily negate the higher numbers." Then, about the distances between one heaven and another, which have been stated as five hundred years or so in some Ahadith. the 'Allama says: "This is not meant to give the exact measurement of the distances, but to express the truth in a manner easily comprehensible to the people."

Jalalayn (2)
God it is Who created seven heavens and of earth the like thereof that is to say seven earths. The command the revelation descends between them between the heavens and the earth Gabriel descends with it from the seventh heaven to the seventh earth that you may know li-ta‘lamū is semantically connected to an omitted clause that is to say ‘He apprises you of this creation and this sending down that you may know’ that God has power over all things and that God encompasses all things in knowledge.

Ibn Abbas (3)
(Allah it is Who hath created seven heavens) one above the other like a dome, (and of the earth the like thereof) seven earths but they are flat. (The commandment cometh down among them slowly) He says: He sends the angels down from heaven with revelation, Scripture and calamities, (that ye may know) and acknowledge (that Allah is Able to do all things) relating to the dwellers of the heavens and the earths, (and that Allah surroundeth all things in knowledge) and that His knowledge encompasses everything'.

Ibn Kathir (4)
(The seven heavens and the earth and all that is therein, glorify him.) (17:44) Allah's statement, (and of the earth the like thereof.) means, He created seven earths. In the Two Sahihs, there is a Hadith that states, (Whoever usurps the land of somebody unjustly, even if it was a mere hand span, then his neck will be encircled with it down to the seven earths.) And in Sahih Al-Bukhari the wording is: (...he will sink down to the seven earths.) In the beginning of my book, Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah, I mentioned the various narrations for this Hadith when I narrated the story of the creation of the earth. All the thanks and praise is due to Allah. Those who explained this Hadith to mean the seven continents have brought an implausible explanation that contradicts the letter of the Qur'an and the Hadith without having proof. This is the end of the Tafsir of Surat At-Talaq, all the thanks and praise is due to Allah.

Hadist Sunan Tirmidzi No 3220 (5)
Telah menceritakan kepada kami Abdu bin Humaid dan orang lain tidak hanya satu sementara maknanya adalah satu, mereka berkata; telah menceritakan kepada kami Yunus bin Muhammad telah menceritakan kepada kami Syaiban bin Abdur Rahman dari Qatadah, ia berkata; telah bercerita Al Hasan dari Abu Hurairah, ia berkata; ...
" ... Beliau bersabda, sesungguhnya di bawah bumi terdapat bumi lain, di antara keduanya berjarak perjalanan 500 tahun. Hingga beliau menyebutkan tujuh bumi, jarak antara setiap dua bumi adalah 500 tahun perjalanan. ..."

Jalalayn - Tafsir QS 25:61 (6)
God, exalted be He, says: Blessed, magnified, is He Who has placed in the heaven constellations, twelve [of them]: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo (al-sunbula), Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. They are the mansions for the seven orbiting planets: Mars rules Aries and Scorpio, Venus: Taurus and Libra, Mercury: Gemini and Virgo, the Moon: Cancer, the Sun: Leo, Jupiter: Sagittarius and Pisces, and Saturn: Capricorn and Aquarius; and has, also, placed in it a lamp, namely, the sun, and a shining moon (a variant reading [for sirājan, ‘sun’] has the plural surujan, which would mean ‘luminous stars’). The moon is singled out for mention because of its particular merit.

Sulitnya membahas topik ini adalah karena lagi-lagi kita diperhadapkan pada pandangan yang berbeda-beda tentang arti "tujuh bumi" itu. Paling tidak, kita mengetahui bahwa dalam paradigma umat Islam paling awal terdekat masanya dengan masa Muhammad, seperti Ibn Abbas, berpegang pada pandangan bahwa memang arti tujuh bumi adalah planet seperti bumi yang berjumlah tujuh buah.

Mengutip ulang pandangan Abbas (687 M / 68H),
"... "In each of those earths there is a Prophet like your Prophet, an Adam like your Adam, a Noah like your Noah, an Abraham like your Abraham, and a Jesus like your Jesus." This tradition has been related by Ibn Hajar in Fath al-Bat and by Ibn Kathir in his Commentary, and Imam Dhahbi says: "It has been reported authentically, ..."

Juga ketika Abbas berkata, "(Allah it is Who hath created seven heavens) one above the other like a dome, (and of the earth the like thereof) seven earths but they are flat. ...". Ini berbeda dengan data hadist yang menyatakan bahwa "tujuh bumi" itu terletak "di dalam bumi" (seperti yang kemudian hari dikutip oleh Ibn Kathir dalam kitab tafsirnya). Akan tetapi sama dengan hadist yang menyatakan begini: "" ... Beliau bersabda, sesungguhnya di bawah bumi terdapat bumi lain, di antara keduanya berjarak perjalanan 500 tahun. Hingga beliau menyebutkan tujuh bumi, jarak antara setiap dua bumi adalah 500 tahun perjalanan. ..."

Bahkan jika kita melihat tafsir Jalalayn (yang ditulis tahun 1459 M) dalam teks Quran lain masih ditemukan jejak tujuh planet itu: "... They are the mansions for the seven orbiting planets: ..."

Data-data tersebut semakin membuktikan bahwa pemahaman tentang "tujuh bumi" yang diartikan sebagai "tujuh planet" memang eksis hingga tahun 1400an M dalam benak umat Islam pada umumnya. Pandangan yang muncul paling belangan mungkin tepat seperti yang disebut oleh Allama Alusi (1854 M) yang menyebutkan, "... "The earths may be more than seven, ..." yang dengan demikian diartikan bahwa penyebutan "tujuh bumi' hanyalah suatu hal yang sifatnya simbolis saja.

Pandangan kosmologi "tujuh bumi" ini sebetulnya cocok dengan kosmologi kuno (7) ala Ptolemy (170 M) sebelum akhirnya Geosentris ala Ptolemy berganti menuju Heliosentris di tahun 1500an Masehi. Akan tetapi, seperti biasanya sebagai seorang Islam yang "sangat beriman pada Quran yang tidak mungkin salah" tentu akan menolak pandangan bahwa di dalam Quran terdapat paham kosmologi kuno: "tujuh bumi".

(1) http://www.englishtafsir.com/Quran/65/index.html
(2) http://www.altafsir.com/Tafasir.asp?tMadhNo=0&tTafsirNo=74&tSoraNo=65&tAyahNo=12&tDisplay=yes&UserProfile=0&LanguageId=2
(3) http://www.altafsir.com/Tafasir.asp?tMadhNo=0&tTafsirNo=73&tSoraNo=65&tAyahNo=12&tDisplay=yes&UserProfile=0&LanguageId=2
(4) http://www.qtafsir.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1307&Itemid=121
(5) http://www.lidwa.com/app/?k=tirmidzi&n=3220
(6) http://quranx.com/Tafsirs/25.61
(7) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geocentric_model#Ptolemaic_system