Nasrani Najran Penyembah Tuhan Yesus Disebut sebagai Orang Mu'min yang Beriman | QS 85:8 - Yuminuu Biallaahi

Klaim adalah salah satu senjata terampuh. Dengan catatan tidak ada yang mengetahui kebenaran yang sesungguhnya.

QS 85:4-9 (Al-Buruuj - Gugusan Bintang, Urutan Turun Quran: 27, Makkiyah)
4. Binasa dan terlaknatlah orang-orang yang membuat parit
5. yang berapi (dinyalakan dengan) kayu bakar,
6. ketika mereka duduk di sekitarnya,
7. sedang mereka menyaksikan apa yang mereka perbuat terhadap orang-orang yang beriman.
8. Dan mereka tidak menyiksa orang-orang mu'min itu melainkan karena orang-orang mu'min itu beriman kepada Allah Yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Terpuji,
9. Yang mempunyai kerajaan langit dan bumi; dan Allah Maha Menyaksikan segala sesuatu.

Ibn Kathir
... Muhammad bin Ishaq bin Yasar related this story in his book of Sirah in another way that has some differences from that which has just been related. Then, after Ibn Ishaq explained that the people of Najran began following the religion of the boy after his murder, which was the religion of Christianity, he said, "Then (the king) Dhu Nuwas came to them with his army and called them to Judaism. He gave them a choice to either accept Judaism or be killed, so they chose death. Thus, he had a ditch dug and burned (some of them) in the fire (in the ditch), while others he killed with the sword. He made an example of them (by slaughtering them) until he had killed almost twenty thousand of them. It was about Dhu Nuwas and his army ...

Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi - Tafhim al-Qur'an
The best known event, how ever, relates to Najran. which has been related by Ibn Hisham, Tabari. Ibn Khaldun. the author of Mujam al-Buldan and other Islamic historians. Its resume is as follows: Tuban Asad Abu Karib, king of Himyar (Yaman), went to Yathrib once where he embraced Judaism under the influence of the Jews, and brought two of the Jewish scholars of Bani Quraizah with him to Yaman. There hr propagated Judaism widely. His son Dhu Nuwas succeeded him and hr attacked Najran which was a stronghold of the Christians in southern Arabia so as to eliminate Christianity and make the people accept Judaism. Ibn Hisham says that these people were true followers of the Gospel of the Prophet Jesus) In Najran hr invited the people to accept Judaism but they refused to obey. There upon hr caused a large number of the people to he burnt in the ditches of fire and slew many others with the sword until he had killed nearly twenty thousand of them. Daus Dhu Tha laban an inhabitant of Najran escaped and went. according to one tradition. to the Byzantine emperor, and according to another. to the Negus king of Abyssinia, and told him what had happened
According to the first tradition, the emperor wrote to the king of Abyssinia, and according to the second, the Negus requested the emperor to provide him with a naval force. In any case; an Abyssinian army consisting of seventy thousand soldiers under a general called Aryat, attacked Yaman, Dhu Nuwas was killed, the Jewish rule came to an end, and Yaman become a part of the Christian kingdom of Abyssinia.
The statements of the Islamic historians are not only confirmed by other historical means but they also give many more details. Yaman first came under the Christian Abyssinian domination in 340 A.D. and this domination continued till 378 A.D. The Christian missionaries started entering Yaman in that period. About the same time, a man named Faymiyun (Phemion), who was a righteous, earnest, ascetic man and possessed miraculous powers, arrived in Yaman and by his preaching against idol-worship converted the people of Najran to Christianity. These people were ruled by three chiefs: Sayyid, who was the principal chief like the tribal elders and responsible for external affairs, political agreements and command of the forces, 'Aqib, who looked after the internal affairs and Usquf (Bishop), the religious guide. In southern Arabia Najran commanded great importance, being a major trade and industrial center with tussore, leather and the armament industries. The well-known Yarnanite wrapper and cloak (hulls Yamani) was also manufactured here. On this very basis, Dhu Nuwas attacked this important place not only for religious but also for political and economic reasons. He put to death Harithah (called Arethas by the Syrian historians), Sayyid of Najrain, killed his two daughters in front of his wife Romah and compelled her to drink their blood and then put even her to death. He took out the bones of Bishop Paul from the' grave and burns them, and ordered women, men, children, aged people, priests and monks, all to be thrown into the pits of fire. The total number of the people thus killed has been estimated between twenty and forty thousand. This happened in October, 523 A.D. At last, in 525 A.D. the Abyssinians attacked Yaman and put an end to Dhu Nuwas and his Himyarite kingdom. This is confirmed by the Hisn Ghurab inscription which the modern archaeologists have unearthed in Yaman.

Menarik untuk dicermati bahwa QS 85 turun di Mekkah (urutan turun Quran: 27/114). Jauh sebelum peristiwa "mubahalah" Muhammad menantang para utusan Najran di QS 3:61 yang turun di Madinah sekitar tahun ke-9 Hijriah. Muhammad sendiri menghabiskan waktu 12 tahun terawalnya di Mekkah sebelum Hijrah ke Madinah. Jadi ini peristiwa yang terkait panjang sekali di masa kemudian.

Beberapa tokoh historis yang menjadi kunci kita until memahami siapa mereka yang dimaksud "YUMINUU BIALLAAHI - orang mu'min yang beriman" adalah:
(a) Dhu-Nawas (Raja Yahudi yang menyerang Yaman)
(b) Al Harits atau Arethas (Pemimpin Kristen di Yaman)

Tidak perlu susah-susah membuktikan bahwa penulis Quran telah "bingung-salah" menyebut Nasrani Najran sebagai "orang-orang mu'min yang beriman" karena di kemudian hari di tahun ke-9 hijriah saat QS 3:61 turun, Muhammad "menghajar" orang yang disebut QS 85:4-9 sebagai orang beriman itu untuk bermubahalah karena Nasrani Najran menyembah Tuhan Yesus (2).

Jikapun Anda mau bersusah-susah untuk menyadari bahwa "ada yang error" antara QS 85:4-9 dan QS 3:61, mari kita lihat beberapa data non-tafsir untuk membuktikan bahwa Nasrani Najran yang diserang Dhu-Nawas it adalah benar-benar Nasrani yang menyembah Tuhan Yesus.

Kita ambil satu data saja (3)
Mengenai Dhu-Nawas, Jewish Ensyclopedia menulis begini:
He made war against the Christian city Najran, in Yemen, which was a dependency of his kingdom; and on its capitulation, in spite, it is said, of his promise of immunity from punishment, he offered the citizens the alternative of embracing Judaism or being put to death. As they refused to renounce their faith, he executed their chief, Ḥarith (Aretas) ibn Kaleb, and three hundred and forty chosen men.

Sejarah Kekristenan Najran bisa kita ketahui melalui tafsir Maududi yang menuliskan begini:
"The statements of the Islamic historians are not only confirmed by other historical means but they also give many more details. Yaman first came under the Christian Abyssinian domination in 340 A.D. and this domination continued till 378 A.D. The Christian missionaries started entering Yaman in that period. About the same time, a man named Faymiyun (Phemion), who was a righteous, earnest, ascetic man and possessed miraculous powers, arrived in Yaman and by his preaching against idol-worship converted the people of Najran to Christianity. These people were ruled by three chiefs: Sayyid, who was the principal chief like the tribal elders and responsible for external affairs, political agreements and command of the forces, 'Aqib, who looked after the internal affairs and Usquf (Bishop), the religious guide. In southern Arabia Najran commanded great importance, being a major trade and industrial center with tussore, leather and the armament industries. The well-known Yarnanite wrapper and cloak (hulls Yamani) was also manufactured here. On this very basis, Dhu Nuwas attacked this important place not only for religious but also for political and economic reasons. He put to death Harithah (called Arethas by the Syrian historians), Sayyid of Najrain, killed his two daughters in front of his wife Romah and compelled her to drink their blood and then put even her to death. He took out the bones of Bishop Paul from the' grave and burns them, and ordered women, men, children, aged people, priests and monks, all to be thrown into the pits of fire. The total number of the people thus killed has been estimated between twenty and forty thousand. This happened in October, 523 A.D. At last, in 525 A.D. the Abyssinians attacked Yaman and put an end to Dhu Nuwas and his Himyarite kingdom. This is confirmed by the Hisn Ghurab inscription which the modern archaeologists have unearthed in Yaman."

Berdasarkan data sejarah itu bisa kita simpulkan bahwa Nasrani Najran adalah "hasil misi" dari Kekristenan Abbysinia (Ethiophia) yang adalah kekristenan monofisit penyembah Tuhan Yesus. Bahkan dikatakan bahwa yang mengalahkan Dhu Nawas setelah ia berhasil menduduki Najran adalah tentara Kristen dari Abbysinia.

Di Mekkah, penulis Quran mengira Nasrani Najran adalah umat yang sama seperti mereka. Itulah sebabnya di Mekkah, Nasrani Najran "dibela" dengan menyebut mereka "orang-orang mu'min yang beriman.

Penyadaran bahwa apa yang dikira penulis Quran tentang Nasrani Najran itu "orang mu'min yang beriman" dikemudian hari diketahui bahwa ternyata salah menurut iman Islam. Itulah sebabnya Anda bisa membaca QS 3:61 di mana Muhammad menantang Utusan Najran untuk bermubahalah.

(1) dan perlu dilihat tafsirnya hingga ayat 8

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